Statement of Faith
At Men of Valor, we affirm the orthodox, historical creeds. (Apostles' Creed, Nicene Creed, etc.)
We believe...
The Doctrine of the Holy Trinity, God the Father, God the Son, & God the Holy Spirit. One in essence, Three in persons; unity in diversity, who created & sustains the universe, fulfilling the eternal plan of redemption of hopeless fallen man.
The Holy Scriptures are God-breathed & preserved for their many faceted benefits to man to equip HIS children for various works of service to the kingdom. (2 Timothy 3:16-17)
Man’s treasonous rebellion against a Holy God, brought chaos to man & the entire universe—reversed only by the substitutionary, sacrifice of Jesus Christ. Access to this redemption is only by grace through faith. This faith is the vehicle for radical transformation & standing before God.
Great Commission
The Great Commission applies to all believers to disciple the nations.
The Church
All transformed believers are grafted into the universal Body of Christ & as members, dependent on one another to fulfill their calling.
The Return
History will be culminated by the bodily return of Jesus Christ, wherein HE will judge the living & the dead, rewarding the faithful & rejecting unbelievers.
Prayer is the fuel to unleash the power of God to fulfill our mission.
Virgin Birth
The virgin birth is essential to the perfect sacrifice of Jesus Christ.
We affirm that there must be unity of belief in the essentials truths of the Gospel as listed above. Other important, but non-essential issues, that have divided true believers through church history must not be differences that break fellowship. In all such controversies; agree to disagree, agreeably.